Urban Eats Cafe - the fresh new urban eatery!Urban Eats Jobs Application

Thank you for your interest in Urban Eats Jobs. Please take your time to complete the following questions. In order to expedite your application, all fields are required. It will take you 5-10 minutes to finish. Any information you provide is kept strictly confidential. Privacy Policy.

Urban Eats Job Application

Personal Information

First Name   :
Last Name   :
Email   :
Phone   :
Website   :
Skype ID   :
How did you hear about us?   : 

Address Information

Street   :
City   :
State   :
Zip Code   :

Employment History

Most recent employer name   :
Start Date 1   :[MM/dd/yyyy]
End Date 1   :[MM/dd/yyyy]
Job Title 1   :
Second most recent employer name   :
Start Date 2   :[MM/dd/yyyy]
End Date 2   :[MM/dd/yyyy]
Job Title 2   :

Educational Background

High School   :
HS Graduated   :
College name   :
College Major   :
College Minor   :
College GPA   :
College Status   :
College Degree   :
Graduate School   :
Graduate School Major   :
Graduate School Status   :
Graduate Degree   :


Description   :

Your Job Requirements

Choose the main category of job you are applying to* :
Pay Expected  (hourly rate)* :
Full/Part Time?   : 
If part-time, list all days of week you are available* :
Ideal Hours each week  :
When you can start? (mm/dd/yyyy)* :   [MM/dd/yyyy]

Volunteer Self Identification

Urban Eats Cafe is committed to equal opportunity employment regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability or Vietnam Veteran status. It would greatly facilitate our compliance
with Federal and State Employment Opportunity guidelines if you would complete the information below. Completion is voluntary,
and this information will be kept confidential and separate from your application.

Race/Ethnic Group:
Gender   :

Candidate Survey

Urban Eats is a company that values information and high-quality data. We strive to evaluate our job applicants using the best data available.
We therefore invite you to answer a brief survey that will help us get to know you better. The following set of questions will ask you about your
work style/preferences, your life achievements, leadership experience, and about other skills, abilities, and attributes that indicate your fit with
certain roles at Urban Eats Cafe. Participating in the Urban Eats Cafe Candidate Survey is completely voluntary, but encouraged. There are
no right or wrong answers to any of the questions, and no single question will make or break your chance of getting a job at Urban Eats Cafe.
Please answer the questions openly, honestly, and to the best of your ability. If you are still unsure how to answer a particular survey question,
or can't remember an answer, just leave it blank. Once you hit "save" at the end of this survey, your answers will not be able to be changed.
Therefore, please approach the survey seriously your first time around and answer as completely and accurately as you can.

Have you ever been to the president/leader/director of a group
(can be a group in school, work, social activities, church, etc.)? :
If you answered "Yes", what is the largest group
of which you've been the president/leader/director? :
Please indicate your working style preference on a scale of 1 to 5
Please indicate 2nd language you speak besides English :
Level of proficiency? :
Have you ever turned a profit at your side job
(dog walker, catering, tutoring, etc.)?:
Have you ever started your own non-profit? :
Have you ever started a club or recreational group? :
Have you ever set regional-, state-, country-, or world-record? :
What's your highest level of education :
When you think about your past experience with working in teams,
would you say you typically worked :
At work, I prefer to... :
At your last job/program/internship, how would
your last boss have rated your communication skills
compared to others in your group, team or class? :

I see myself as someone who...

...has an assertive personality:
...has few artistic interest :
...is ingenious, a deep thinker :
...is sophisticated in art, music, and literature :
...is talkative :
...likes to reflect, play with ideas :
...tends to be quiet :
...is inventive :
...is curious about many different things :
...is sometimes shy, inhibited :
...values artistic, aesthetic experiences :
...prefers work that is routine :
...is outgoing, sociable :
...is full of energy :
...is reserved :
...is original, comes up with new ideas :
...has an active imagination :
...generates a lot of enthusiasm : 
I have answered this survey openly, honestly,
and to the best of my ability :
Please click on "save" button to complete your application.
You may be directed to SolutionWorks, the parent development company website.